Welcome to St Gall’s


Welcome to St. Gall’s Church, Carnalea, in Bangor

County Down in Northern  Ireland. 

We are an Anglican/Episcopalian Church.

A congregation in The Church of Ireland

within the Diocese of Down & Dromore. 

Our Sunday services take place at 8.30 a.m. and 10 a.m. and 6.30 p.m..

The 8.30 a.m. service is a service of Holy Communion.

The 10 a.m. service is morning prayer. Holy Communion on the first Sunday of the month.

The 6.30 p.m. service is Evening Prayer with a time for stillness and prayerful reflection. The service is Holy Communion on the second Sunday of the month.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will the YouTube services continue alongside public worship?

Yes, they will. There are no plans for those to end. The Online Worship will continue alongside the in person worship.

Those who are online please share the info you see here with those who are not online. We are mindful that folk without access to the internet are most at risk for isolation and lonliness. If  you know someone - reach out to them.

On the right of this screen you will see the YouTube and Facebook logos. The worshipping life and story of our church is available online through these social media channels.

Pop along to share in prayers and reflections during the week and on Sundays.  Click on those logo links. On the right.

If you can - Please Do This.

Subscribe to the YouTube channel.

Like and Share the services that help you.

If you would like to pray you could use our Prayer for Today page.

The Rector here is Canon Michael Parker. He was instituted to the parish in May 2000 having served in parishes in Birmingham, England and also in Belfast here in Northern Ireland. 

We celebrate St Gall each year on the third Sunday in October. On that Sunday young and old in our congregation bring their teddy bears to church and we hear again the story of the saint and his bear.  Our sculpture of a large European bear, by local artist Owen Crawford, stands in the grounds and reminds us of the founding of St Gall’s community at Steinach in Switzerland over 1400 years ago.


We support Fairtrade Bangor and the committee that has worked to have Bangor established as a Fairtrade Town.


In  2005 the Select Vestry of the parish took the decision to declare the church a "Fair Trade Church". This means that all tea and coffee served in the church  - at functions, events, after services - will all be from a fairly traded source. This means that those who have worked to provide these drinks will have been paid a fair price for their produce and for their labour. That has to be a good thing.

We hope that you have enjoyed your visit to Saint Gall's Online.

Peace to you.

Michael Parker


For SatNav put in our post code: BT19 1BT.