Safeguarding Trust - Child Protection within the Parish
Child Protection within the Church
Safeguarding Trust - Child Protection within the Parish
Child Protection within the Church
This parish lives and works within the guidance laid out in the Safeguarding Trust - Child Protection Policy of the Church of Ireland.
Within that policy all people wishing to work with children, young people and vulnerable adults are required to acquaint themselves with that policy, attend necessary training and complete the Access NI process.
An online application process is the only way to make an Access NI application since April 2015.
IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Please Note that the Access NI application is a TWO step process.
Step one: Complete the online application. (This will be lodged automatically and immediately to the online account of the Board of Education for processing.)
Step two: Complete the PIN notification and ID validation form and that form must then be submitted in person to the Rector or another member of the Parish Panel Team before the application can be processed.
A Step by Step Guide to Making an Access NI Application
Before beginning you should have with you your address details for the last five years, your National Insurance number and
your driving licence and passport numbers (if you have these documents).
1.Go to the AccessNI page. Follow the instructions to create a new account.
2.An email will be sent to your email address containing a link to activate your account.
3.Access your email and activate your account.
4.Click on the “AccessNI Applications”box.
5.Log in using the Pin Number for the Church of Ireland
Board of Education - 918066.
Having completed the first part of this online process you need to complete the second part of the process.
6. Download and print out the the PIN Notification and ID Validation form.
Click Here: SGT 2018 Validation and PIN-Form.pdf
It is the second part of the online Safeguarding registration process.
You need to print out and complete the form.
7. When you have completed this hard copy Validation Form bring it - with your ID documents - to church. Contact the Parish Office in advance to arrange to meet with a member of the Parish Panel. They will need to check your form and documents.
8. Once this check is completed the Parish Panel will contact the
Church of Ireland Board of Education.
This final contact will complete your application and your AccessNI document should be with you within a couple of weeks.
9. Very important : Please take the time to visit the Church of Ireland Safeguarding Trust website. Have a read at the policy and think about how it effects you and the work that you do within the parish family.
The Church of Ireland Safeguarding Trust Website
Access NI - Making an Application